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Our return policy

  • We offer our clients a 14 day period after delivery for returning their purchase (for clients that are not legal-entities).
  • If you want to return your purchase, please fill out the “Product return form” that can be found here
  • Please note that due to the specifics of certain products, we do not offer this policy for all purchases.
    Terms and conditions page.
  • You can find out more about our return policy on the
  • If you want to know if the return policy is valid for a specific product, please
    contact us.

    Notify about product return

    secure-payments-2 Secure Payments

    We provide the possibility to pay with online banking, credit cards, and debit cards.

    fast-delivery-2 Fast Delivery

    We deliver to homes, parcel lockers throughout Latvia, and offer pick-up from our warehouse.

    return-policy-2 Return Policy

    We guarantee the quality of the goods and provide free returns.

    customer-service Customer Service

    We offer personal customer support every business day.

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